Pôle Finance -
Langue(s) parlée(s)
Anglais, Arabe, Français -
Domaines d’enseignement
Principes Comptables, Comptabilité Internationale, IFRS, Comptabilité Approfondie, Contrôle de Gestion, Analyse Financière, Finance d'entreprise, Gestion de Trésorerie -
Domaines de recherche
Gouvernance d´entreprise, Reporting Financier, Liquidités des Marchés, Economie Financière -
La Rochelle
Dr Majdi Karmani est Professeur Associé en Finance et Directeur Adjoint du Pôle Finance d'Excelia Business School depuis 2014.
Il est titulaire d’un Master en Management de l’École de management de l’Université de Bordeaux et d’un doctorat en sciences de gestion spécialisé en Finance obtenu en 2013 au sein de la même université. Ses domaines d’expertise couvrent la comptabilité financière, la comptabilité internationale, la gouvernance et la finance d’entreprise. Il enseigne à ce titre ces différents sujets au sein des programmes du Groupe, du niveau Bachelor au Master.
Avant de rejoindre Excelia Business School en 2012 en tant que Professeur Assistant, Dr Karmani a travaillé aux Universités de Bordeaux et de La Rochelle.
Ses domaines de recherche se concentrent sur les rapports financiers, la gouvernance d’entreprise, la liquidité de marché et l’économie financière. Il est d’ailleurs l’auteur de plusieurs articles publiés dans des revues académiques à comité de lecture.
Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Finance, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, France
Master université (France), Sciences de Gestion, Finance, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, France
Maîtrise en Finance, ISG Sousse
Enseignant-Chercheur - Professeur Associé, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Directeur adjoint du département Finance, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Enseignant-Chercheur - Professeur Assistant, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Intervenant Occasionnel, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Attaché temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche (ATER),, Université de Bordeaux, , France
Attaché temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche (ATER),, IAE de La Rochelle, La Rochelle, France
KARMANI, M., BOUSSAADA, R., ABDELAZIZ HAKIMI, A. (2024). On the non-linear relationship between large shareholders and bank performance: North African banks vs. banks in the Middle East. Regional Science policy and practices.KARAMAN, A. S., UYAR, A., BOUSSAADA, R., KARMANI, M. (2024). Do investors care about greening in corporations? The role of eco-innovation and CSR committee. Journal of Applied Accounting Research. doi:10.1108/JAAR-10-2023-0289.HABIB, A., HABIB, I., KARMANI, M., MEDDEB, Y. (2024). Family control influences on divestment stock market performance. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. doi:10.1504/IJBGE.2024.10065432.BOUSSAADA, R., HAKIMI, A., KARMANI, M. (2024). Board Cultural Diversity and Nonperforming Loans: What Role Does Boardroom Gender Diversity Play? Managerial and DecisionEconomics. doi:10.1002/mde.4414.KARMANI, M. (2023). Non-performing loans and bank performance: what role does corporate social responsibility play? A system GMM analysis for European banks. Journal of Applied Accounting Research.HAKIMI, A., BOUSSAADA, R., KARMANI, M. (2023). Financial inclusion and non-performing loans in MENA region: the moderating role of board characteristics. Applied Economics, 1-15. doi:10.1080/00036846.2023.2203456.BASSE, T., KARMANI, M., RJIBA, H., WEGENER, C. (2023). Does adhering to the principles of green finance matter for stock valuation? Evidence from testing for (co-) explosiveness. Energy Economics, 106729. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2023.106729.ĐẶNG, R., KARMANI, M., HOUANTI, L., SIMIONI, M., ABID, I. (2023). Board gender diversity and environmental performance: A semi-parametric panel data analysis. Finance Research Letters, 104032. doi:10.1016/j.frl.2023.104032.HAKIMI, A., BOUSSAADA, R., KARMANI, M. (2023). Corporate social responsibility and firm performance: a threshold analysis of European firms. European Journal of Management and Business Economics. doi:10.1108/EJMBE-07-2022-0224.ABID, I., UROM, C., PEILLEX, J., KARMANI, M., NDUBUISI, G. (2023). PGP for portfolio optimization: application to ESG index family. Annals of Operations Research. doi:10.1007/s10479-023-05460-w.KARMANI, M., KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A. S. (2023). Are CSR and advertising complements/substitutes in spurring firm visibility? Moderating effect of board gender diversity, CSR committees, and financial slack. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.KARMANI, M., KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A. S. (2023). Are CSR and advertising complements or substitutes in spurring firm visibility? Moderating effect of board diversity, CSR committees, and financial slack.. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. doi:10.1002/csr.2601.KARMANI, M., UYAR, A., KUZEY, C. (2022). How did European firms adjust their corporate social responsibility investments during the global financial crisis? Strategic Change. doi:10.1002/jsc.2532.KARMANI, M., BOUSSAADA, R. (2021). Corporate social responsibility and firm performance: does institutional quality matter? Journal of Applied Accounting Research, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print). doi:10.1108/JAAR-07-2020-0153.KARMANI, M., UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., KILIC, M., YAACOUB C., C. (2021). Does governance quality explain the sustainability reporting tendency of the public sector? Worldwide evidence. International Journal of Public Administration, Ahead of print. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/01900692.2021.1900243.HAKIMI, A., BOUSSAADA, R., KARMANI, M. (2021). Are financial inclusion and bank stability friends or enemies? Evidence from MENA banks. Applied Economics, 1-17. doi:10.1080/00036846.2021.1992342.INGLESI-LOTZ, R, R., HAKIMI, A., KARMANI, M., BOUSAADA, R. (2020). Threshold effects in the patent-growth relationship: a PSTR approach for 60 developed and developing countries. Applied Economics. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2020.1713295.BOUSSAADA, R., KARMANI, M., HAKIMI, A. (2020). Is there a threshold effect in the liquidity risk–non-performing loans relationship? A approach for banks. International Journal of Finance and Economics. doi:10.1002/ijfe.2248.HAKIMI, A., BOUSSAADA, R., KARMANI, M. (2020). Is the relationship between corruption, government stability and non-performing loans non-linear? A threshold analysis for the region. International Journal of Finance and Economics. doi:10.1002/ijfe.2377.KARMANI, M., HAKIMI, A., BOUSAADA, R. (2019). External Debt, Investment, and Economic Growth : A Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model for Low-Income Countries”. Journal of Economic Integration, 34 (4), 725-745. doi:https://doi.org/10.11130/jei.2019.34.4.725.KARMANI, M., HAMROUNI, A., BEN KRAIEM, R. (2017). Voluntary information disclosure and sell-side analyst coverage intensity. Review of Accounting and Finance, 16 (2), pp. 260-280.KARMANI, M., N.BEN ARFA, D.LABARONNE, "Antecedents of hedge fund activism in French listed target firms", Research in International Business and Finance, Décembre 2017, vol. 2017, no. 42, pp. 1315-1326KARMANI, M., A.AJINA, R.BOUSSAADA, "An Investigation Of The Relation Between Corporate Governance And Liquidity: Empirical Evidence From France", Journal Of Applied Business Research, juillet-décembre 2015, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 632-646BOUSSAADA, R., M.KARMANI, "Did Board of Directors have an Impact on MENA Bank Performance?", International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2015, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 46-56KARMANI, M., R.BOUSSAADA, "Ownership concentration and bank performance: Evidence from MENA banks", International Journal of Business and Management, 2015, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 189-202KARMANI, M., A.AJINA, B.MSOLLI, "A la recherche de liquidité : la gouvernance au coeur du marché financier", La Revue du Financier, Septembre 2015, vol. 37, no. 215-216, pp. 19-39KARMANI, M., AJINA, A., HABIB, A. (2013). La gouvernance d'entreprise et la divulgation d'informations des entreprises Françaises. Bank en Financiewezen Revue bancaire et financière, 2013 (1). -
Actes d'une conférence
HAMROUNI, A., M.KARMANI, "Propriété familiale, gouvernance d'entreprise et qualité des états financiers : une revue de la littérature", Congrès International de Gouvernance , 2014, Dijon, FranceHAMROUNI, A., KARMANI, M. (2013). Voluntary disclosure and coverage intensity by sell-side analysts. International congress of corporate governance.Communications dans une conférence sans acte
KARMANI, M., R.DANG, D.KHUONG NGUYEN., "Does innovation mediate the relationship between board gender diversity and firm performance? " dans 5th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, 2014, Nice, France co-auteurs présentésKARMANI, M., HAMROUNI, A. (2013). Voluntary disclosure and coverage intensity by sell-side analysts. CIG.KARMANI, M., M.ALAYA, "The impact of the Recent Crisis on the Economic growth of the countries of the Southern shore of the Mediterranean: an Empirical study on the Channels of Transmission." dans The Twelfth Mediterranean Research, 2011, Florence, ItalieKARMANI, M., "The Relation Between the New Corporate Governance Rules and the Likelihood of Earnings Management : The case of the French Firms. " dans Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance , 2011, Montreal, CanadaKARMANI, M., "The Relation between Corporate Governance Strength and Fraud in Financial Reporting: The Case of French Firms. " dans METU BA Buisiness Conference, 2010, Ankara, TurquieKARMANI, M., O.BEN HMIDEN, "Le contrôle externe de l'information comptable et financière : rôle des agences de notation et des analystes financiers" dans 3e Journées internationales de Recherche Fiscalité, Droit et Sciences de Gestion, 2010, Bordeaux, France