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The benefits of student life in France: why choose France for your education?

Excelia le 27 novembre 2024
student life in France

Find out why France is a top choice for international students: from its world-class, affordable education system to its vibrant student community!

France continues to rank as one of the most attractive destinations for international students worldwide with over 430,000 foreign students enrolled in the 2023-2024 academic year, according to Campus France. A number that highlights the country's standing commitment to welcoming students from all corners of the globe by offering them not only high-quality education but also an opportunity to take part in the country's culture and development. If you're considering France for your next big move in terms of education, discover how its prestigious educational institutions and rich history make it a top choice for students looking for the perfect place to study abroad. « Bienvenus chez vous ! » (Welcome home!)


The French study system: high-level education and lower living costs

Whatever your dream field of study is, France offers a diverse array of universities and Grandes Écoles, offering world-renowned education across many subjects. Some of these institutions are ranked among the best in the world, and widely recognised for their strong academic programmes, research opportunities, and influential alumni networks. Whether you are looking forward to becoming an expert in science, business, or the arts, French institutions provide excellent educational frameworks at every level.

Additionally, one of France's significant advantages is its affordability, particularly when compared to countries like the United States or the United Kingdom. Public universities in France offer much lower tuition fees (often subsidised by the government), making high-quality education accessible to a broader range of students. Living costs, though depending on the region (rent is higher in Paris than in La Rochelle, for example), can also be lower than in other top study destinations, allowing you to balance your budget more easily. Finally, French Grandes Écoles are known to encourage hands-on experience through internships and immersion in the professional landscape. A plus for those looking to get valuable skills from practical teachings. 


  • A diverse range of programmes available 

The broad spectrum of programmes available to international students in French universities and Grandes Écoles also make it a prestigious educational hub. Whether you are interested in Tourism & Hospitality, Finance, Engineering, Management, or the Arts, French institutions offer well-recognised, specialised degrees that will meet your diverse interests and ambitions. These programmes are available at all levels of study and can be taught in English, from undergraduate degrees (Bachelor’s) to advanced research-based programmes (PhDs). A flexibility that attracts a wide range of students, from those looking for technical training to those seeking to engage with research and professional networks.


  • Study abroad in France for a rich cultural experience and school life

Studying in France offers much more than renowned universities. As one of Europe's oldest countries, France can be experienced for some as a living museum. In Paris as in other cities, curious students can immerse themselves in a wealth of history, art, and culture. From the cosmopolitan buzz of Paris to the medieval and oceanic charm of La Rochelle, or the luxury of the French Riviera, you will have the chance to attend world-famous festivals, visit UNESCO heritage sites, and immerse yourself in the French way of life (get your baguettes and escargots ready). And if you're keen on exploring further the riches of Europe, a French student visa will allow you to do just that: it's all you need to explore all the countries in the Schengen zone!


  • Study on a campus with a diverse international student community

France has long been committed to welcoming many foreign students, as is shown by the variety of interdisciplinary programmes and the growing number of English-taught courses, making French schools more accessible for non-French speakers.

If you're considering studying in France, fear not being alone: French universities attract many students from all over the world each year, allowing a multicultural and diverse environment to sprout on their campuses. The good news is this diversity makes it easier for international students to integrate into their new academic and social lives, offering them the chance to build networks and make friends on all continents.

Moreover, many French institutions like Excelia provide extensive support services for international students, including orientation programmes, language courses, and help with housing. And for an even more proactive approach, international student associations and clubs also offer great start points for students to socialise and connect, making their stay in France more enjoyable, and, eventually, unforgettable.



Why study in France?

France offers world-class education, tuition fees at a relatively low cost, a vibrant cultural experience, and the chance to build global networks.

Is France a good country for students?

Yes, with its world-renowned educational institutions, varied student population, and rich cultural offer, France is an excellent destination for international students. Plus, travelling around Europe is easy from France, with many direct connections to Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain... 

Is France costly for Indian students?

While tuition fees are lower than in many other countries, living costs can vary depending on the city. Paris is more expensive, while smaller cities like La Rochelle are generally more affordable. Want to learn more? Why not check our costs simulator!

Facts: what is student life like in France?

Student life in France blends academic excellence with plenty of opportunities for socialising, exploring the country, and building a global network.


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