Ali UYAR Enseignant-Chercheur - Professeur
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    • Pôle
      Pôle Finance
    • Langue(s) parlée(s)
      Anglais, Turc
    • Domaines d’enseignement
      Comptabilité, Contrôle de Gestion & Budgétisation, Fondements du Contrôle de Gestion, Gouvernance d'Entreprise et Ethiques
    • Domaines de recherche
      Gouvernance d´entreprise, Corporate Reporting, Sustainability Reporting, Comptabilité de Gestion
    • Campus
      La Rochelle


    Originaire de Turquie, Dr Ali Uyar est titulaire d’un Doctorat en sciences de gestion spécialisé en finance et comptabilité, obtenu en 2007 à l’Université de Marmara à Istanbul. Expert en comptabilité, il détient la prestigieuse certification internationale Certified Management Accountant (CMA – comptable en management accrédité) de l’Institute of Management Accountants du New Jersey (Etats-Unis).
    Il enseigne depuis de nombreuses années des modules touchant au vaste domaine de la comptabilité (de la comptabilité financière à la gouvernance d’entreprise, en passant par la comptabilité de gestion ou encore l’analyse des bilans financiers), pour des étudiants en Bachelor comme en Master, en présentiel ou à distance.

    Les recherches du Dr Uyar ont conduit à plus de 50 publications dans des revues académiques de référence, des chapitres d’ouvrages ou encore des ouvrages, en collaboration avec d’autres chercheurs internationaux. Il est également éditeur pour plus de 20 revues à comité de lecture, a supervisé de nombreux mémoires et co-produit des articles aves ses étudiants.

    Dr Uyar est particulièrement intéressé par le fait de travailler dans des environnements multiculturels. En plus d’avoir collaboré avec plusieurs universités de son pays d’origine, il a une expérience internationale significative et a notamment été Professeur au Koweït, en Pologne ou encore en Hongrie.

  • 2007

    Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Comptabilité, Marmara University, Turquie

  • 2019

    Enseignant-Chercheur - Professeur, Excelia, La Rochelle, France


    Enseignant-Chercheur - Professeur Associé, Excelia, La Rochelle, France


    Professeur associé, American University of the Middle East, Mahboula


    Professeur, Fatih University, , Turquie


    Professeur visiting, Vistula University, , Pologne


    Professeur visiting, King Sigismund Business School, , Hongrie


    Professeur associé, Fatih University, , Turquie

  • Articles

    NIMER, K., UYAR, A., BANI-MUSTAFA, A. (2024). Do a secure business environment and a judicial system complement or substitute each other in spurring stock market development? International Journal of Accounting Auditing and Performance Evaluation (IJAAPE). doi:10.1504/IJAAPE.2024.1006408.
    NIMER, K., ABDELQADER, M., KUZEY, C., UYAR, A. (2024). Emission targeting and carbon emissions: The moderating effect of female directors. Business Strategy and the Environment.
    ABDELQADER, M., UYAR, A., KUZEY, C. (2024). CSR transparency and firm value: Is the connection differential for cost leaders and differentiators? Journal of Cleaner Production, 443 (1).
    NEJLA OULD DAOUD ELLILI, N. O. D., KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A. S. (2024). Moderating role of internal factors in CSR reporting persistence and corporate market value. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. doi:10.1002/csr.2724.
    GERGED, A. M., KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A. S. (2024). Aggressive CSR Strategy and CSR Awarding: Managerial Opportunism versus Social Activism. Journal of Accounting Literature.
    UYAR, A., GERGED, A. M., KUZEY, C., KARAMAN, A. S. (2024). Renewable energy use, slack financial resources, and board attributes: Does energy efficiency policy matter? Business Strategy and the Environment.
    KARAMAN, A. S., UYAR, A., BOUSSAADA, R., KARMANI, M. (2024). Do investors care about greening in corporations? The role of eco-innovation and CSR committee. Journal of Applied Accounting Research. doi:10.1108/JAAR-10-2023-0289.
    KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., HAMROUNI, A., KARAMAN, A. S. (2024). Social reputation, loan contracting, and governance mechanisms. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management. doi:10.1108/IJAIM-12-2023-0321.
    UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., AL-SHAER, H., KARAMAN, A. S. (2024). Do board monitoring and audit committee quality help risky firms reduce CSR controversies? Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. doi:10.1007/s11156-024-01280-6.
    UYAR, A., BEN ARFA, N., KUZEY, C., KARAMAN, A. S. (2024). Do creditors appreciate CSR transparency and credibility in emerging markets? Journal of Accounting Literature.
    CHATJUTHAMARD, P., PORNSIT, J., KILIC, M., UYAR, A. (2024). Corporate culture, corporate governance, and independent directors: evidence from textual analysis. Society and Business Review. doi:10.1108/SBR-05-2023-0138.
    KARAMAN, A. S., GERGED, A. M., UYAR, A. (2024). Do creditors care about greening in corporations? Do contingencies matter? International Journal of Finance and Economics.
    UYAR, A., LAKHAL, F., CEMIL, C., KARAMAN, A. (2024). Corporate innovation capacity, national innovation setting, and renewable energy use. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 204.
    UYAR, A., FATEN LAKHAL, F., CEMIL, C., KARAMAN, A. (2024). Do stockholders appreciate CSR? The role of firm visibility, financial slack, and monitoring. Management International.
    UYAR, A., WASIUZZAMAN, S., KUZEY, C., KARAMAN, A. S. (2024). Dividend payout and corporate transparency: Do CSR governance mechanisms matter? Research in International Business and Finance.
    UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., GERGED, A. M., KARAMAN, A. S. (2024). Rethinking board structures in the age of multinational corporations: A global investigation. Journal of International Management.
    UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., NIMER, K. (2023). Hospitality and tourism firms’ board characteristics,board policies,and tourism sector performance:what is the nexus? International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.
    UYAR, A., LAKHAL, F., KUZEY, C., KARAMAND, A. S. (2023). The relationship between dividend payout and corporate social responsibility: The moderating effect of shareholder friendliness and board monitoring. Journal of Cleaner Production.
    ALI MEFTAH GERGED, A. M., KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., KARAMAND, A. S. (2023). Does investment stimulate or inhibit CSR transparency? The moderating role of CSR committee, board monitoring and CEO duality. Journal of Business Research, 159.
    KARAMAN, A. S., UYAR, A., KUZEY, C. (2023). Does aggressive environmental, social, and governance engagement trigger firm risk? The moderating role of executive compensation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 398.
    MAHMOOD, M., UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., KARAMAN, A. S. (2023). Business strategy, sustainability, and firm value: A test of financial slack and agency theories. Managerial and Decision Economics.
    UYAR, A., LODH, S., NANDY, M., KUZEY, C., KARAMAND, A. S. (2023). Tradeoff between corporate investment and CSR: The moderating effect of financial slack, workforce slack, and board gender diversity. International Review of Financial Analysis.
    AL-SHAER, H., UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., KARAMAN, A. S. (2023). Do shareholders punish or reward excessive CSR engagement? Moderating effect of cash flow and firm growth. International Review of Financial Analysis, 88.
    AL-SHAER, H., KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., KARAMAND, A. S. (2023). Corporate strategy, board composition, and firm value. International Journal of Finance and Economics.
    KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A. S. (2023). Over-investment and ESG inequality. Review of Accounting and Finance, 22 (3), 399-421.
    KUZEY, C., AL-SHAER, H., UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A. S. (2023). Public governance, corporate governance, and excessive ESG. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society.
    GOVINDAN, K., KARAMAN, A. S., KILIÇ, M., UYAR, A. (2023). Board structure and financial performance in the logistics sector: do contingencies matter? Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 176.
    ELMASSRI, M., KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A. S. (2023). Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Strategy, and Governance Performance. Management Decision.
    KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., WASIUZZAMAN, S., KARAMAND, A. S., INWINKL, P. (2023). Financial distress and corporate transparency/opacity: The role of firm visibility. International Review of Economics and Finance, 88, 766-798.
    UYAR, A., NIMER, K., KUZEY, C. (2023). Education quality, internet access in schools, and research performance in management and accounting domains: a cross-country investigation. Scientometrics.
    ELBARDAN, H., UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., KARAMAN, A. S. (2023). CSR reporting, assurance, and firm value and risk: The moderating effects of CSR committees and executive compensation. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation.
    KARMANI, M., KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A. S. (2023). Are CSR and advertising complements/substitutes in spurring firm visibility? Moderating effect of board gender diversity, CSR committees, and financial slack. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.
    KARMANI, M., KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A. S. (2023). Are CSR and advertising complements or substitutes in spurring firm visibility? Moderating effect of board diversity, CSR committees, and financial slack.. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. doi:10.1002/csr.2601.
    UYAR, A., GERGED, A. M., KUZEY, C., KARAMAN, A. S. (2023). Do CSR performance and reporting facilitate access to debt financing in emerging markets? The role of asset structure and firm performance. Review of Accounting and Finance.
    UYAR, A., AL-SHAER, H., KUZEY, C., KARAMAN, A. S. (2023). Do foreign directors reinforce better waste management? The moderating role of eco-innovation. Business Strategy and the Environment.
    UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., BOUATTOUR, M. (2023). The moderating effect of public governance on the relationship between corporate governance and stock market development. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. doi:10.1504/IJBGE.2023.10060366.
    KUZEY, C., ELBARDAN, H., UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A. S. (2023). Do shareholders appreciate the audit committee and auditor moderation? Evidence from sustainability reporting. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management.
    KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., ELLILI, N. O. D., KARAMAN, A. S. (2023). Corporate social responsibility performance and social reputation via corporate social responsibility awarding: is there a threshold effect? Corporate Governance.
    KUZEY, C., FRITZ, M., UYAR, A., KARAMAND, A. S. (2022). Board gender diversity, CSR strategy, and eco-friendly initiatives in the transportation and logistics sector.. International Journal of Production Economics, 247.
    FERNANDES, V., KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A. S. (2022). Board structure policy, board diversity and social sustainability in the logistics and transportation sector. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. doi:10.1108/IJPDLM-09-2021-0415.
    KARMANI, M., UYAR, A., KUZEY, C. (2022). How did European firms adjust their corporate social responsibility investments during the global financial crisis? Strategic Change. doi:10.1002/jsc.2532.
    NANDY, M., KUZEY, C., UYAR, A., LODH, S., KARAMAN, A. S. (2022). Can CSR mechanisms spur GRI adoption and restore its lost value relevance? Journal of Applied Accounting Research. doi:10.1108/JAAR-03-2022-0068.
    CHATJUTHAMARD, P., ONGSAKUL, V., JIRAPORN, P., UYAR, A. (2022). Corporate governance and generalist CEOs: evidence from board size. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 22 (1), 148-158. doi:10.1108/CG-02-2021-0058.
    HAMROUNI, A., UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., BOUSSAADA, R. (2021). The link between institutional quality, ethical behaviors of firms, and market regulations on stock market developments. Managerial and Decision Economics. doi:
    KARMANI, M., UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., KILIC, M., YAACOUB C., C. (2021). Does governance quality explain the sustainability reporting tendency of the public sector? Worldwide evidence. International Journal of Public Administration, Ahead of print. doi:
    UYAR, A., CHATJUTHAMARD, P., JIRAPORN, P., LEE, S. M., KILIC, M. (2021). Does board gender diversity matter? Evidence from hostile takeover vulnerability. Corporate Governance.
    UYAR, A., NIMER, K., KUZEY, C., SHAHBAZ, M., SCHNEIDER, F. (2021). Can e-government initiatives alleviate tax evasion? The moderation effect of ICT. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 166, 120597. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120597.
    KOSEOGLU, M. A., UYAR, A., KILIC, M., KUZEY, C., KARAMAN, A. S. (2021). Exploring the connections among CSR performance, reporting, and external assurance: Evidence from the hospitality and tourism industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94, 102819. doi:10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102819.
    BENKRAIEM, R., UYAR, A., KILIC, M., SCHNEIDER, F. (2021). Ethical behavior, auditing strength, and tax evasion: A worldwide perspective. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 43, 100380. doi:10.1016/j.intaccaudtax.2021.100380.
    KILIÇ, M., KUZEY, C., UYAR, A. (2021). An international investigation on assurance of integrated reports: Institutions, assurance quality, and assurers. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 42, 100360. doi:10.1016/j.intaccaudtax.2020.100360.
    KARAMAN, A. S., ORAZALIN, N., UYAR, A., SHAHBAZ, M. (2021). CSR achievement, reporting, and assurance in the energy sector: Does economic development matter? Energy Policy, 149, 112007. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2020.112007.
    KILIÇ, M., UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., KARAMAN, A. S. (2021). Drivers and consequences of sustainability committee existence? Evidence from the hospitality and tourism industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 92, 102753. doi:10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102753.
    GOVINDAN, K., KILIC, M., UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A. S. (2021). Drivers and value-relevance of CSR performance in the logistics sector: A cross-country firm-level investigation. International Journal of Production Economics, 231, 107835. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107835.
    UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., KILIC, M., KARAMAN, A. S. (2021). Board structure, financial performance, corporate social responsibility performance, committee, and duality: Disentangling the connection in healthcare. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. doi:10.1002/csr.2141.
    UYAR, A., FERNANDES, V., KUZEY, C. (2021). The mediating role of corporate governance between public governance and logistics performance: International evidence. Transport Policy, 109, 37-47. doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2021.05.023.
    UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., KILIC, M., KARAMAN, A. S. (2021). Does firms’ CSR engagement support tourism sector development? Moderation effect of CSR committee and CEO duality. Tourism Economics, 135481662110245. doi:10.1177/13548166211024502.
    HAMROUNI, A., UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A. S., KUZEY, C. (2021). The Ethical environment, accountability, and sustainability reporting: What is the connection in the hospitality and tourism industry? .. Tourism Economics.
    UYAR, A., BANI-MUSTAFA, A., NIMER, K., SCHNEIDER, F., HASNAOUI, A. (2021). Does innovation capacity reduce tax evasion? Moderating effect of intellectual property rights. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 173, 121125. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121125.
    UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A., KILIC, M. (2020, Juin). Green logistics performance and sustainability reporting practices of the logistics sector. The moderating effect of corporate governance. Journal of Cleaner Production (258).
    UYAR, A., SHAHBAZ, M., KARAMAN, A., KILIC, M. (2020). Board attributes, CSR engagement, and corporate performance: What is the nexus in the energy sector? Energy Policy, 143 (111582).
    UYAR, A., KILIC, M., KOSEOGLU, M. A., KUZEY, C., KARAMAN, A. (2020). The link among board characteristics, corporate social responsibility performance, and financial performance: Evidence from the hospitality and tourism industry. Tourism Management Perspectives, 35 (100714).
    UYAR, A., ONGSAKUL, V., TREEPONGKARUNA, S., JIRAPORN, P. (2020). Do firms adjust corporate governance in response to economic policy uncertainty? Evidence from board size. Finance Research Letters (101613).
    UYAR, A., KILIC, M., KOSEOGLU, M. A. (2020). Network analysis in accounting research: an institutional and geographical perspective. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 21 (3), 535-562.
    UYAR, A., BENKREAIEM, R., HAMROUNI , A., MILOUDI, A. (2020). Boardroom attributes and trade credit under different ownership structures. Strategic Change, 29 (3), 407-410.
    UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A., KILIC, M. (2020). Is corporate social responsibility reporting a tool of signaling or greenwashing? Evidence from the worldwide logistics sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 253, pp. 119997.
    UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., KILIC, M. (2020). Sustainable Stock Market and Sustainability Reporting Propensity of the Public Sector: Mediating Role of the Private Sector. International Journal of Public Administration. doi:
    HAMROUNI, A., BENKRAEIM, R., UYAR, A., MILOUDI, A. (2020). Boardroom attributes and trade credit under different ownership structures.. Strategic Change, 29 (3), 407-410. doi:
    KILIÇ, M., UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., KARAMAN, A. S. (2020). Does institutional theory explain integrated reporting adoption of Fortune 500 companies? Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 22 (1), 114-137. doi:10.1108/JAAR-04-2020-0068.
    UYAR, A., KOSEOGLU, M. A., KILIÇ, M., MEHRALIYEV, F. (2020). Thematic structure of sustainability reports of the hospitality and tourism sector: A periodical, regional, and format-based analysis. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-26. doi:10.1080/13683500.2020.1847050.
    UYAR, A., C.KUZEY, D.DELEN, "Investigation of Factors Influencing Cost System Functionality Using Machine Learning Technique", International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 2019, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 27-55
    UYAR, A., M.KILIC, M.KOSEOGLU, "Co-Authorship Network Analysis in Accounting Discipline", Australian accounting Review, Mars 2019, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 235-251
    UYAR, A., H.ELBARDAN, A.YAMEN, "Drivers of convergence/divergence of corporate governance codes of MENA countries", International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 2019, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 217-243.
    UYAR, A., M.KILIC, A.KARAMAN, "What impacts sustainability reporting in the global aviation industry? An institutional perspective", Transport Policy, 2019, vol. 79, pp. 54-65
    HAMROUNI, A., JIRAPORN, P., BOUATTOUR, M., UYAR, A. (2019). Does board gender diversity influence dividend policy?. Evidence from France. Economics Bulletin, 39 (4), 2942-2954.
    HAMROUNI, A., UYAR, A., BOUSSAADA, R. (2019). Are corporate social responsibility disclosures relevant for lenders? Empirical evidence from France. Management Decision, 58 (2), 267-279. doi:
    UYAR, A. (2019). Evolution of annual report: A longitudinal investigation between 1973 and 2015. Strategic Change, 28 (6), 517-521. doi:DOI:10.1002/jsc.2303.
    UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A., KILIC, M. (2019). Institutional drivers of sustainability reporting in the global tourism industry. Tourism Economics. doi:
    UYAR, A., KILIC, M., KOSEOGLU, M. (2019). Exploring the conceptual structure of the auditing discipline through co-word analysis: An international perspective. International Journal of Auditing. doi:
    UYAR, A., JIRAPORN, P., KUZEY, C., KILIC, M. (2019). What drives board committee structure ? Managerial Auditing Journal. doi:
    UYAR, A., KUZEY, C., KILIC, M. (2019). Testing the Spillover Effects of Sustainability Reporting : Evidence from the Public Sector. International Journal of Public Administration. doi:10.1080/01900692.2019.1677711.
    UYAR, A., B.SAKUNASINGHA, J.PORNSIT, "Which CSR activities are more consequential? Evidence from the Great Recession", Finance Research Letters, 2018
    UYAR, A., R.BENKRAIEM, A.HAMROUNI, A.MILOUDI, "Access to finance for French firms: do boardroom attributes matter?", Economics Bulletin, Juillet 2018, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 1267-1278
    UYAR, A., KARAMAN, A., KILIC, M. (2018). Sustainability reporting in the aviation industry: A worldwide evidence. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 9 (4), 362-391. doi:
    UYAR, A., E.BOYAR, C.KUZEY, "Does Social Media Enhance Firm Value? Evidence from Turkish Firms Using Three Social Media Metrics", The Electronic Journal Information Systems Evaluation, Novembre 2018, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 131-142
    UYAR, A., C.KUZEY, "Determinants of sustainability reporting and its impact on firm value : evidence from emerging market", Journal of Cleaner Production, Décembre 2017, vol. 143, no. 1, pp. 27-39
    UYAR, A., A.HAYDAR GUNGORMUS, C.KUZEY, "Impact of the Accounting Information System on Corporate Governance : Evidence from non-listed Companies", Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, Mars 2017, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 9-27
    UYAR, A., "Standalone sustainability reporting practices in a emerging market : a longitudinal investigation", Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, Janvier 2017, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 62-70
    UYAR, A., C.KUZEY, "Does management accounting mediate the relationship between cost system design and performance ?", Advances in Accounting, Décembre 2016, vol. 35, pp. 170-176
    UYAR, A., C.KUZEY, "Contingent Factors, Extent of Budget Use, and Performance : A Structural Equation Approach", Australian accounting Review, Mars 2016, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 91-106
    UYAR, A., M.KILIC, B.ATAMAN G ÖKÇEN , "Compliance with IAS/IFRS and firm characteristics: evidence from the emerging capital market of Turkey", Economic Research - Ekonomska Istrazivanja, Décembre 2016, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 148-161
    UYAR, A., A.NEYIS, "Does the healthcare industry report quality cost ? Comparative investigations of public and private hospitals", Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 2015, vol. 26, no. 7-8, pp. 733-745
    UYAR, A., C.KUZEY, "Determinants of corporate cash holdings : evidence from the emerging market of Turkey", Applied Economics, 2014, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 1035-1048
    UYAR, A., C.KUZEY, D.DELEN, "The impact of multinationality on firm value: A comparative analysis of machine learning techniques", Decision Support Systems, Mars 2014, vol. 59, pp. 127-142
    UYAR, A., D.DELEN, C.KUZEY, "Measuring Firm performance using financial ratios : a decision tree approach", Expert Systems with Applications, Août 2013, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 3970-3983


    UYAR, A., Kurumsal Raporlamanin Gelisimi ve Güncel Yaklasimlar, Babil, Turquie, 2015

    Chapitres d'ouvrage

    UYAR, A., J.TASKINSOY, "Sustainability Reporting in the Airline Industry : The Case of Turkish Airlines" dans Sustainability and Management : an international perspective., Caliyurt K., Yüksel U. Eds, Routledge, chap. 7, pp. 100-118, 2017
    UYAR, A., GUNGORMUS, A.-H. (2017). Investigation of Internal and External Factors causing Unethical Behavior of Accounting Professionals. dans Caliyurt K., Yüksel U. (Eds.), Sustainability and Management : an international perspective (pp. 71-82). Routledge.
    UYAR, A., M.KILIC, "The Impact of corporate Characteristics on Social Responsability and Environmental Disclosures in Turkish Listed Companies" dans Corporate governance : an International Perspective., Idowu S., Caliyurt K. Eds, Springer, pp. 253-276, 2014
    UYAR, A., C.KUZEY, E.AZ, "Association among Performance Metrics under the Balanced Scorecard System : Perceptions of Bank Personnel" dans Frontiers of Business, Management and Economics : An interdisciplinary Collection of Managerial Research Findings and Breakthroughs., Nejati M. Ed., Universal-Publishers, pp. 326-332, 2013
    UYAR, A., C.KUZEY, E.KAVAK, "A Panel Data Analysis of Graphical Disclosure in Annual Reports of Turkish Firms" dans Frontiers of Business, Management and Economics An Interdisciplinary Collection of Managerial Research Findings and Breakthroughs., Nejati M. Ed., Universal-Publishers, pp. 333-340, 2013
  • Actes d'une conférence

    UYAR, A., C.KUZEY, A.-H.GUNGORMUS, "Impact of the accounting system on corporate Governance : evidence from Non-Listed Companies" dans Accounting and Management Information System Conference, 10th Accounting and Management Information System Conference (AMIS), 2015, Bucarest, Roumanie
    UYAR, A., "Preparedness of the Entities for the IFRS for SMEs : the Case of Turkey" dans Accounting and Management Information Sytems International Conference (AMIS), Proceedings of the Accounting and Management Information Sytems International Conference (AMIS), 2013, Bucarest, Roumanie

    Communications dans une conférence sans acte

    UYAR, A., C.KUZEY, "Investigation of Factors Influencing Cos System Functionality Using Machine Learning Techniques" dans 10 th International Conference Accounting and Management Information Systems, 2015, Bucarest, Roumanie
    UYAR, A., M.KILIC, C.KUZEY, "The Impact of Ownership and Board Structure on Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr) Reporting in the Turkish Banking Industry" dans 37th Annual Congress of the EAA, 2014, Tallinn, Estonie
    UYAR, A., C.KUZEY, "Contingent Factors, Extent of Budget Use, and Performance : a Structural Equation Approach" dans 37th Annual Congress of the EAA, 2014, Tallinn, Estonie
    UYAR, A., C.KUZEY, A.GUNGORMUS, R.ALAS, "Determinants of Ethical Awareness among Turkish Profesional Accountants" dans 37th Annual Congress of the EAA, 2014, Tallinn, Estonie
    UYAR, A., C.KUZEY, "Determinants of Corporate Cash Holdings : Evidence from the Emerging Markets of Turkey" dans 36th EAA Annual Congress, 2013, Paris