Information Covid-19

Dear students, dear colleagues,


Following the speech of the French President , Excelia is led to take the following exceptional measures, on which we have been working for several weeks:

  • For French and international students, and work-study students, all face-to-face lessons are suspended until further notice on all Excelia sites. The lessons will be provided online from Monday, March 16. All the practical details were sent by email.

For students currently abroad, we recommend that they follow the instructions of their host university, business or organization, and the authorities in the country.

  • For students on internship, Humacite mission, work-study and continuing education interns, the instructions of the employer or the organization must be observed.
  • Exams are maintained and might be organized remotely.
  • All travel abroad and all student exchanges and internships abroad have been cancelled until March 31th.
  • Our campuses remain open. Information on telework measures and procedures has just been sent to all of our employees.

Student services remain accessible by email and telephone. We invite you to stay connected to your student mailbox, My Intranet and the Excelia mobile application to follow each new step. The crisis unit remains at your disposal for any urgent question (other than educational): [email protected].


All of these provisions are subject to change as the crisis evolves. We will inform you immediately.

The crisis unit remains at your disposal ([email protected]).

In the face of this exceptional situation, the crisis unit and the General Direction are more than ever mobilized to ensure the safety of each of its members and the success of its students.


Strong in its values, our Community will be able to get through this crisis and demonstrate once again its commitment and the exceptional solidarity which animates it.




Bruno Neil,

Dean Excelia
